[b]Name[/b]: Big Smoke (ingame name)
Amount of warns/kicks/bans and reasons (If you have them): 0
Why are you interested in becoming staff on LGS?:
I am interrested in becoming staff on this server because
> i had experience on this server and want to revisit it
> Some of the staff i met were not as good at their jobs at they should be, this inspired me to choose to become staff to give people a enjoayble roleplay experience
> I just like moderating in general
What qualities do you think you can bring to the LGS Staff Team?:
> I have experience in moderation on this server and on other garrys mod servers
> I know how to use ULX and other administration addons
> I am able to judge situations fairly and will take both sides into consideration
> I know the rules of this server and am able to apply them at pretty much any time
As a staff member, what do you think your biggest achievement is, and what is your biggest weakness?:
(By my biggest achievement i think you mean biggest strength so if this is wrong please tell me)
My biggest strength is beeing able to judge situations fairly and quickly and taking both sides into consideration at all times
My biggest weakness is overreacting in certain situations (for example when getting killed over and over or losing a lot of equipment/money) in situations like these, just saying calm down will probably help more then anything else
What makes you different to other applicants?:
> I was Administrator on this server before already
> I put effort into my application while some other staff might not (im not saying that nobody puts effort into their staff applcations, its just that from looking here from time to time i could see a pattern of 2/3 applications beeing below average)
Additional Comments: Some of the categories may not have the minimum words, but they still answer the question in as much depth as possible
Name: Big Smoke (ingame name)
Amount of warns/kicks/bans and reasons (If you have them): 0
Why are you interested in becoming staff on LGS?:
I am interrested in becoming staff on this server because
> i had experience on this server and want to revisit it
> Some of the staff i met were not as good at their jobs at they should be, this inspired me to choose to become staff to give people a enjoayble roleplay experience
> I just like moderating in general
What qualities do you think you can bring to the LGS Staff Team?:
> I have experience in moderation on this server and on other garrys mod servers
> I know how to use ULX and other administration addons
> I am able to judge situations fairly and will take both sides into consideration
> I know the rules of this server and am able to apply them at pretty much any time
As a staff member, what do you think your biggest achievement is, and what is your biggest weakness?:
(By my biggest achievement i think you mean biggest strength so if this is wrong please tell me)
My biggest strength is beeing able to judge situations fairly and quickly and taking both sides into consideration at all times
My biggest weakness is overreacting in certain situations (for example when getting killed over and over or losing a lot of equipment/money) in situations like these, just saying calm down will probably help more then anything else
What makes you different to other applicants?:
> I was Administrator on this server before already
> I put effort into my application while some other staff might not (im not saying that nobody puts effort into their staff applcations, its just that from looking here from time to time i could see a pattern of 2/3 applications beeing below average)
Additional Comments: Some of the categories may not have the minimum words, but they still answer the question in as much depth as possible
*Insert Quote here*
*Insert Screenshots here*
I like meta memes, thats pretty much all i wanted to put in here